Sunday, March 30, 2008

Greetings Sub-Creatures...

Welcome to Decent People Beware, a blog where hot is cold, right is left, C-A-T spells "dog" and nothing is affected by gravity. We aim to be more in-your-face than cliche and hypthenation allows; and our grammar is top shelf, in case you haven't noticed.

Our staff at D.P.B. will bring you whatever they find that tickles the senses and arouses the mind. We're talking home cooking, punching out from work on Friday, running a red light and not getting pulled over...

...that's what we're after. Think The Simpsons on meth, a place where glasses don't leave wet rings, and people speak/and/or metaphor in triplicate. We'll make your body go numb and decrease your semen, and you'll ask for more. Ask for cookies and we'll give you pepperoni bread. Ask for liquor, and we'll give you the cheapest we can find. We'll even give you ice for that drinky-poo.

We have arch-enemies, we have nemesis' (what's the plural for nemesis? Nemeseis?), we have our friends and our founders. We have The Decent People, and you should hope you are on our side of the fence. That's right, Mr. Right- you should sign your anti-American confession right now.

Get your books translated into English, and stop your foolishness. We're talking to you, Sub-Creatures- you're either Decent, or you're something to disregard.


Mr. Decent-

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A breath of fresh air and thought among the mindless drivel of internet postings. Somewhere a neuron is firing in the back of my brain.